This natural remedies can help you to lose belly fat


 HONEY is one of the sweetest and delicious
edible product which are abstracted from flowers by hard working colonies of bees . main difference between sugar and honey is that honey doesn't hike level of  blood sugar suddenly like what refined sugar does

how to use honey to loose belly fat???

1. take a teaspoon of honey before you sleep (make sure honey you are taking is fresh not synthetic)
2. one or two teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water in empty stomach every morning.( you can use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice also for fast and better result)


How to use garlic to reduce belly fat??

1.chew 2 to 3 cloves of raw garlic morning and drink lemon juice after it


1. keep 200ml of water on fire and add ginger and pepper to it , after 5 min add 2 teaspoon of honey 
and stir properly turn it off

4.curry leaves

curry leaves helps in detoxification and finaly lose of belly fat. so add curry leaves in your food


Take oats as breakfast which is of low calories and make us less hunger


add cucumber to your diet


monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado help to reduce belly fat and it is also rich source of fiber
